Race and criminal justice: The lessons of Baltimore | The Economist

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Our first look at Baltimore today focuses on the Economist’s promise to distill the lessons.

via Race and criminal justice: The lessons of Baltimore | The Economist.

I was rather disappointed with the Economist’s helicopter viewpoint.

The approach was longitudinal, looking at the history since the historic 1968 riots after the murder of Martin Luther King. In 1968, there were deep racial divides. The article then zoomed in on the 2005 zero tolerence policing of white mayor (and possible presidential candidate), Martin O’Malley. It highlights the challenges of poverty, crime and conservative policing. The conclusion is that a long-term strategy is required but it recognizes that politicians prefer to focus on short-term tactics, especially turning to conservative policing.


One response

  1. Part of the problem of disaffected youth, and black youth in particular, in cities like Baltimore, is lack of discipline, lack of employability, lack of a credible father figure (many of these young men, and they are mostly young men, have no father around),plus drug and gang culture.

    The Economist talks about a long-term problem and Dr Alf is right to be disappointed at the lack of vision and focus from the Economist.

    I feel the same way about that left-wing publication, and indeed President Obama who mouthed some platitudes along the lines of “something must be done” which had the emotional power of a would be Lothario on a date in a restaurant who has been stood up and jilted for someone more appealing, ordering something to eat from a restaurant menu whilst a knowing waiter hovers with feigned sympathy ready to take down an order.

    The problems do require a long-term solution but there are things that can and must be done immediately to fix the situation and stabilize it:

    1) Everyone in the country of whatever race needs to have two years of National Service before starting work or university

    Military discipline would give the more disadvantaged youngsters a sense of self-worth and the most troublesome ones could be sent to the UK on lease so that we could solve our military recruitment problem and they would travel and experience different role models

    2) There should be zero tolerance of gang leaders, and local drug barons on sink-estates who become the role models that many young black men aspire to prior to joining savage criminal gangs who glorify violence, the abusive treatment of woman and the selling of drugs to anyone who will pay.

    3) The education system from age 11 that these young men are put through needs to be significantly toughened up via the Troops-to-Teachers program and the education, itself needs to take place in remote locations, well away from where they live, possibly in a barracks style environment.

    Once there, they would be taught languages, put through business boot camps, taught enabling philosophies and be permitted to write to their parents and see them at Christmas and Thanksgiving.
    They would be required to work on cleaning and maintaining their environment and would grow much of their own food and learn how to cook it properly.

    Days would be long and learning intense borrowing from the best elements of the South Korean school system and the one in Singapore.

    4) Bright academically-inclined students would be identified early and the exceptionally talented ones made ready for a slightly shorter period of National Service as happens in Portugal prior to entering university proper.

    5) With these problems removed, policing could be a little less in the style of “The Wire” and “NYPD Blues” and there would be fewer people to stop and search.

    This would reduce tension and the need to take people into custody.

    6) The police themselves need training in how to better defuse situations, without turning out en mass as if they were about to attack a city in the Middle East and clear it of ISIS fighters.

    7) With proper tax incentives and writing-down allowances and a more stable environment, businesses could be incubated there, and inward investment promoted so as to create jobs (people who are earning and busy do not have the time or inclination to riot).

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