Opinion – The twin curse of masculinity and male-dominated politics helped create Brexit | Jacqueline Rose | Opinion | The Guardian


Anti-communism (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Whilst I expected Brexit stories to start getting wacky or flaky, this op-ed by Jacqueline Rose in the Guardian, should take a prize. Respectfully, I find the whole article a load of twot!

Rose tries to argue that both the leave and remain campaigns suffered from the fact we expect men to strut the stage with no flicker of doubt.

Source: The twin curse of masculinity and male-dominated politics helped create Brexit | Jacqueline Rose | Opinion | The Guardian

Brexit has seen the whole gambit of world views in my view. For example, The Economist, prior to the vote, referred to post-truth politics. I respect the perspective of feminism but the case has definitely not been made by Ms. Rose.

In my view, there is perhaps an argument for writing up the post-modern view of Brexit? After all, it’s only raw power that can explain the irrational and the illogical behaviour. Post-modernism captures power and fear effectively. See my popular pre-Brexit blog for my own perspective, Brexit – Cosmopolitans, Ostriches, Lemmings and the Pied Piper

Personally, I am a realist. As a realist, if I take stock of the post-Brexit world, there’s a need for restoring truth and justice. Tony Blair is right in his NYT op-ed we cannot let far-left populists win any more than we can the far-right populists. That’s why we need a new political party to seize the central grounds of politics.


One response

  1. Dr Alf is right,Jaqueline Rose and the Guardianistas have probably gone bonkers and have not made what Dr Alf with forensic precision would call a fact based,evidentially sound case.
    There is male dominated politics in this country but BREXIT could not have happened without woman because they form a majority of the people in the country.
    The Conservative leadership contest is partially about treachery and opportunism but Mrs May despite all her talk about public service and getting on with the job is as ambitious as the next person. Boris has exited the stage but is waiting for a wider Middle East war and the failure of the newly appointed Prime Minister before trying again.
    As a child he is said to have told his parents and playmates that he “Wanted to be king of the world” when he grew up and one senses that despite the actions of the duplicitous and quasi Brutus like assassin, Michael Gove,his long term ambition is still there.
    Looking across the political spectrum one is not inspired by the “public service credentials ” of most of them although my own MP Sir Oliver Heald is honourable,effective and as good a personification of this ideal as anyone I have seen.
    The new centre left party will come but should not be run by Blair who is a latter day war criminal,liar and schmoozer who is anything but a “regular guy”.

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