The Observer view on Brexit and the EU | Observer editorial | Opinion | The Guardian

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This very balanced Observer editorial concludes that the absence of leadership in the EU as well as in Britain is dismaying.

Source: The Observer view on Brexit and the EU | Observer editorial | Opinion | The Guardian

I agree with the Observer, it’s time for some new faces in Brussels. Juncker is clearly part of the problem and must be encouraged to go in the interests of Europe. Perhaps, he can claim health grounds?


One response

  1. Dr Alf is right and to a point so is the Observer – Juncker, who is known to have a good fondness for fine wine, is part of the problem as is Merkel.

    The UK will soon have a new Prime Minister and the Corbynistas will soon be marginalised by a new left of centre political party.

    This new party and the Conservatives are going to have to start reflecting some of the concerns of ordinary people—It will not do to go on ignoring them, marginalising them and dismissing them as racists, xenophobes as if they were all of the same stripe.

    The EU is still badly run, is still riddled with fraud, and is soon to be faced with the costs of a Greek bailout, a bailout for Italy, the costs of the EU Army which is neither wanted or needed.

    There is also the issue of Islamification, EU enlargement and the need to keep the whole thing intact whilst easing the UK out of the equation seamlessly and without contamination in the form of other lookalike “BREXITS”.

    The EU, like the UK and like fish, has been rotting from the head down – it has been badly run and therefore needs reform both structurally and attitudinally.

    People like Juncker and now Merkel need to be replaced with people with both vision and understanding and free movement has to mean free movement of the highly skilled, the exceptionally skilled and the linguistically skilled with strict numerical limits, an Australian style points system and a secure NI database with no spare numbers based on what is done in Singapore.

    The EU has to stop regulating so much and creating red tape and European business has to be allowed to create jobs through exporting across all member states not just Germany.

    With reform and improvement the EU can be made relevant for those who wish to remain after the UK has gone without the need for “punishment treatment as deserters”, “old people not being allowed a say”, “being made an example of so that others can be deterred from the UK’s example”, supposedly spontaneous demonstrations in the streets of London by people who feel “disenfranchised” by BREXIT and further encouragement of such demonstrations by people from the Observer’s mother newspaper, the Guardian.

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