The digital revolution is not about technology – it’s about people | World Economic Forum

Boston Consulting Group

Boston Consulting Group (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Embed from Getty Images
English: This is the public press release logo...

English: This is the public press release logo for Boston Consulting Group. It is used commonly as a pictorial representation of the company and is reprinted often. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Boston Consulting Group Matrix Españo...

English: Boston Consulting Group Matrix Español: Matriz de Boston Consulting Group (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

According to this WEF article, when companies go digital, they must focus less on the technologies and more on the people using them.

Source: The digital revolution is not about technology – it’s about people | World Economic Forum

I was suspicious about the headline and reading the text made me cringe. Then I got to the bottom of the page and the author was a consultant with the Boston Consulting Group. Surely, there was room for a two by two matrix showing the people as stars?

This type of article trashes the WEF brand. It’s naive and simplistic.


Millennials Really Don’t Like Big Banks. That’s Going to Disrupt the Financial Services World. –

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Embed from Getty Images

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I may not be a millennial but I identify with the thread in this article from the National Journal.

via Millennials Really Don’t Like Big Banks. That’s Going to Disrupt the Financial Services World. –

Let me ask an open question:

Surely, it’s time to clean house and break up the big banks?
