Alf’s Travels

“Alf’s Travels” is focused towards those with passion for independent travel.Organization Keeps you moving-Vin

In 2011, I decided to draw a big line and move on”. I was rather disenchanted with political leaders and their ineffective economic management, with austerity creeping into everything but the breakfast cereal, and for me it was abundantly clear that it was time to move on to the next stage of my life.

On a late Autumn day, I announced to the world that I had retired after twenty successful years as an independent professional execute and consultant, that I planned to base myself in Cyprus with my wife and travel extensively for number of years.

In April 2012, with my wife Marilyn, I  started two new travel blogs entitled Taking the slow road to Cyprus and Discover the Orient.

Cover of January, 1915 National Geographic Mag...


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