No third way: Tony Blair is right on Brexit. Now he should get into the trenches or back off | The Economist

English: Tony Blair Deutsch: Tony Blair

English: Tony Blair Deutsch: Tony Blair (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Economist suggests that if the former prime minister wants to return to British politics, it describes how he should do it.

Source: No third way: Tony Blair is right on Brexit. Now he should get into the trenches or back off | The Economist

Although I’m on holiday in New Zealand, my wife and I debated this theme over dinner. Of course, we’re both biased, having been passionate Remain advocates.

Simply, Tony Blair makes good sense and he’s an extremely eloquent orator. But as the Economist argues, he’s had his day and brings a lot of baggage to the table. Nevertheless, if Blair has the drive and stamina to redeem himself publicly, I would support him on Brexit (and I’ve voted Conservative all my life). Sadly, I fear Blair’s had his day and we must still watch the Brexit pantomime unfold, knowing the result.


4 responses

  1. I’m actually a Brexiteer without apology as I know my reasons have nothing to do with any racism or wish to prevent immigration though I would like control to return to the UK. I also regard the EU as very wasteful particularly with changing the venue for the members and files once a month for a few days at a cost of millions. The French who have the benefit of the extra people for those few days are not inclined to give up the occupation of their headquarters to save waste.
    But, I have never trusted Tony Blair and he has told deliberate lies regarding the WMD in Iraq. I believe if he has come back to try and persuade us that we’re unhappy with the way things are going it’s because he’s been promised the Presidency of the EU if the UK can be brought to heel. That was a position he wanted and hoped for when he left his PM job here.

    • I certainly agree with you that Tony Blair’s record is blemished. However, I endorse the Economist’s view on Blair’s argument. Surely, a second referendum, or even better an election, to ratify the proposed exit terms would be in the interests of democracy?

      • A second referendum seems superfluous since the first gained a majority result. Since that was for out I suggest they go for the best terms they can get which may be better than many hope for. The terms don’t need ratifying since the original referendum results should be adhered to.I’m sorry for those that wanted to remain in the Union and would have accepted that result had they won.
        I’m none too sure what benefit would be gained by an election. The Tories were in power when the referendum was held and should remain there until the job is done though I would have preferred Mr Cameron as PM despite his leaning towards staying in.
        I believe that Labour are not fit to lead this country as they always overdo the public borrowing and leave us in debt, the other parties don’t have the experience and some should never be given the chance.
        I realise we are miles apart in our views but I assure you that even I have Britain’s interest at heart.

      • David, am currently on holiday in NZ, so it’s little difficult to focus on UK politics. Personally, I agree with Blair’s argument, just like Lord Mandelson. It’s probably too late to reverse the referendum. I’m a realist but I feel sorry for the young people who voted Remain and will now be worse off because of the result. As for my politics, am a one-nation tory but they’re a bit out of fashion. I guess we differ. Thanks for sharing your views

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