Mother ‘killed son by squirting liquid morphine into his mouth for a joke’ | Daily Mail Online

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This is an example of a truly sick society, reported in the Daily Mail. I wonder if the mother got her morphine free from the National Health Service, the UK’s public healthcare service?

via Mother ‘killed son by squirting liquid morphine into his mouth for a joke’ | Daily Mail Online.


The Economist explains: Denmark’s “failed” multiculturalism | The Economist

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This is an outstanding, must-read article published by the Economist. Check it out!

via The Economist explains: Denmark’s “failed” multiculturalism | The Economist.

There was a time when people looked to Scandanavian countries, like Denmark as a caring alternative to the extremes of Anglo-Saxon capitalism, generally called neoliberalism. Unfortunately, the kind people of Scandanavia have had their generosity thrown back in their faces.

Multiculturalism has been fashionable in recent decades. Now conservatives are worried. For a topical example of multiculturalism, see Barack Obama’s op-ed article in the LA Times.
