3,000 heart attack and stroke victims suffer delays after falling ill at weekends – Telegraph

NHS Job Shop: "Working for Health" i...

NHS Job Shop: “Working for Health” in Kentish Town. Closed. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is a national disgrace! See this must-read article in the Telegraph. Check it out!

via 3,000 heart attack and stroke victims suffer delays after falling ill at weekends – Telegraph.

The last Labour Government gave the UK’s doctors, nurses and administrators big pay rises for their collectively ineffective performance. David Cameron’s Government tried reform of the NHS but botched it and then ‘bottled it’ – now they’re dismantling the pieces of the NHS with backdoor privatization and outsourcing – the trouble is the employees go to the outsourcers with their gold-plated existing job contracts guaranteed.

This is not rocket science. There are hard-working and professional doctors and nurses in the NHS. But the NHS is plagued with broken-processes and meddling politicians, plus an excessive number of bungling bureaucrats. The NHS is exploited by patients who have abused their bodies with alcohol, recreational drugs or simply food leading to obesity and health issues.

The crisis about heart attacks at weekends is a scandal. It’s just like the post code lottery, with healthcare standards varying enormously with geography.

This blog has repeatedly argued in favor of dismantling the NHS and building a new-state-of-the-art healthcare system, based on best-practice in countries like Singapore or Germany. Every time I mention this argument, I’m challenged that the UK political classes haven’t got the stomach for radical transformation. The other day, I highlighted how China is not too proud to call in help to reform her healthcare and John Gelmini picked up the thread.

Surely, it’s obvious that whatever the political make-up of the next UK government, the NHS will continue to decline?


A brief history of United States Courts v. Barack Obama – The Washington Post

English: Barack Obama

English: Barack Obama (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is a powerful article by the Washington Post. It shows that Obama is prepared to play ‘hardball‘ for his pet causes. It’s a must-read. Check it out!

via A brief history of United States Courts v. Barack Obama – The Washington Post.

What’s worrying is that with limited support in Congress and the Senate, Obama may risk exceeding his executive authority on other major pet causes as his time runs out.
