China, World Bank and WHO Collaborate to Support ‘Deep Water’ Phase of Health Reforms – World Bank

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This is a very important breakthrough announced by the World bank. It’s a must-read. Check it out!

via China, World Bank and WHO Collaborate to Support ‘Deep Water’ Phase of Health Reforms.

As I reflected on the article, my focus switched to the UK and the weak political classes who are scared to face that the UK public health system, the NHS is beyond repair and reform.

Surely, a visionary UK political leader would follow China’s example and ask for the World Bank and the WHO to benchmark the NHS?



The U.S.-Israel divide on Iran – The Washington Post

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This is an excellent, must-read article from the Washington Post. Check it out!

via The U.S.-Israel divide on Iran – The Washington Post.

As I read the article, I felt that the Republicans and Israel are right to challenge Obama‘s negotiating tactics on Iran. Do you trust Obama on this issue?
